Self-employed as Managing Director Chittagong Aviation Singapore Pte Ltd with 20 years of Aviation experience having immediate past Managing Director and Executive Adviser of Best Aviation Ltd. Looking after the Airline’s formation and appointment of top management including CEO and other high officials. The airline is in Cargo Business now and getting prepared to start passenger operation soon. Thorough ideas about almost all major commercial aircraft for domestic and international routes in both passenger and cargo versions.
Social Activities:
Political Activities:
Traveled many countries including:
Twitter: haldabd
Skype: haldabd
LinkedIn: Abedin MJ
WhatsApp: Abedin MJ
Cell: +88 0171 189 7463
USA +13478170061
Executive Director Office
3200 S Airport Rd W,
Grand Traverse Mall,
Traverse City,
MI -49684.
Bangladesh Office
Section -11, Block -A, Avenue-2, House-40, Pallabi.
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