Training Institution of Leadership Development

Our actions inspire others to build more, learn more, act more and become more-a Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.


Leadership Development for Business.

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Leadership Development for Politics.

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Leadership Development for Education.

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Leadership Development for Professionals.

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Envision Skills

Peace is our ultimate vision.

Leadership Development
Leadership Development
who we are

A global platform for developing leadership

SOLE is a global platform for developing leadership among immigrants and refugees here is the USA and around the globe. SOLE would play important role to minimize the inter cultural gap between strangers and the communities those serve them.

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Refugee Asylum Seeker Immigrants Network

Free advocacy for refugee, asylum seeker, displaced, illegal, undocumented, exile person

( Our basic principal to prove that refugees are not burden of the society rather they are gardening in the society and developing a harmonious society )

Our Advocacy program is not a lawyers cell, this is totally a non- attorney based consultancy program.

The Refugee Support Services Program also addresses such as:

  • Social adjustment
  • English language instruction
  • Interpretation and translation
  • Day care for children


Leadership development for refugee

  1. To empower refugee for survive
  2. Shows the way goes the way

Bangladesh Youth Parliament Project

National Youth Forum of Bangladesh – Encouraging an energetic, world – ready, democratic and peace-loving youth community in Bangladesh.

Our commitment is to conflict transformation, peace building and human rights with the involvement of youth as an individual, groups of people, organizations and institutions to ensure human advancement and environmental sustainability in the long run.

Leadership Club Project

Joining student clubs in high school are not only a fun way to meet new friends and hang out with old friends, they’re also a very important part of your college – and life – preparation.

After you’ve graduated, you started building things to put on your resume based on jobs you’ve held or organizations you’ve been associated with. But when you’re younger, you don’t have those things yet. That’s why high school clubs are so important – they can show a potential college (or potential employer) your interests and involvement.

Social Work-Based Politics Project

Nayan Bangalee is a founding father of social work based politics in Bangladesh. Social Work might be a great part of political work and a politician primarily eligible through this social work process.

If doctor, engineer, and lawyers have their own daily routine and work for their profession so why not a politicians can set their daily activities. Why political activist confused their life with personal and political. It is true that personal professional life is separate that political life, but both must work there on fundamental.

Electoral Justice Project

Electoral justice may be defined as a series of protective means and mechanisms designed to uphold the principles of free, fair, and legitimate elections, as well as to safeguard the political-electoral rights of all people. An electoral justice system that resolves political conflict through different legal mechanisms, guaranteeing full compliance with the law, enables democracy to thrive. This deepens the importance of strong electoral bodies, and improving the framework within which political, administrative, and judicial institutions coexist. In consequence, it provides cognitive elements that will assure social stability.

Rohingya Refugee Project

All the activities are executed in 3 different zones. The project activities are operating in two shifts from 9 am to 2 pm and each shift runs for two and half an hour. The project will start from January 2019.

In play-zone, children do different physical activity and play indoor games, share various memorable experiences, act out, sing, recite and perform dances.

In creative and learning zone, children do some logical activities, art and craft works. Here they also discuss about general knowledge, safety issues, hygiene and manners related information to develop positive social and conflict resolution skills.

In digital-zone children watch recreational and informative child-friendly videos and documentaries to enjoy and to develop emotion regulation and positive social skills.

International Migrant Foundation

International Migrant Foundation IMF is working relentlessly to improve, protections for refugees and vulnerable migrants, to tackle the exploitation of migrant workers. IMF has started functioning with the fame in the year 2008 in Bangladesh and going to celebrate 10 years of establishment in this year 2018. IMF. “Working for the community” sets the difference and makes us collaborator of projects grants, build partnerships, and pursue advocacy with policymakers. IMF works around the world with national and international organizations, faith groups, and the private sector. IMF is contributing a huge impact of human rights & protecting migrants’ refugees’ slavery and human trafficking all over the world. I am confident that IMF is so far on the right track if these efforts and organized teamwork continues IMF will be able to keep this success and remain glorious as Bonanza. I hope that our combined efforts would help us to achieve the purpose for which the foundation was established. The foundation would expect suggestions from all concerned for improvement of its performances.


Our Internal Partner Associates

The power of immigrants and refugees would be explored through our School addressing  the core concept of leadership in respect of political, professional, business and educational arena.

Garments Labor Federation (GLAF)
Board of Directors

Bring Innovation To The Team

Nurul Islam Mamun

Coordinator -Bangaleer Pathshala & School of Leadership

M.J. Abedin

Executive Director

Parvez Mahmud

President, Bangladesh Division

Tariqul Alam

Director, Cultural Affairs

Kaycie Noble


Fakir Selim


Monira Sultana

Chief Regional Officer

Shohurb Hossen


Monjur Elahi Tapon

Central Board member

Nasimul Hassan


Prof. Buhari Isah

Regional Manager

Ashiqur R Khan


Nasimul Hassan


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